Ayurveda-Inspired Resolutions: Transform Your Everyday Diet for a Healthier 2025
Dr. Nitha Gopalan
Consultant Physician
The Nattika Beach Resort
(Branch of Park am See Nattika Ayurveda)
Modern life is fast paced and rapidly evolving. Thanks to the daily advancing technologies and modified health facilities, life has become easier. But the technology boom has made life style highly sophisticated and sedentary with human being more contingent on gadgets rather than society or family. People are becoming more withdrawn to themselves that eventually lead to stress and burnouts. The occupational, financial and relationship breakdowns affect the present generation more dramatically than the older generation. Stress in turn affect the health of the individual making him more prone to infections and lifestyle disorders.
Ayurveda – the ancient wisdom explaining all aspects of life right from the birth of a human being till his death advises a lot of lifestyle modifications both for daily routine as well as diet. Along with daily regimen which is mentioned as ‘Dinacharya‘ in classical textbooks, healthy eating habits for daily life are also widely expounded.
The influence of three doshas namely Vatha, Pitha and Kapha – the bio energies controlling all physiological and psychological activity of the human body undergo variations with change in climate, seasons and also with the day and night cycle. To simplify, the morning hours are having a Kapha predominance in the body. Middle of the day have a dominance of Pitha and Vatha is the governing energy by the day end.
Ayurveda emphasizes to begin the day with warm water that acts as a natural cleanser to start detoxing the body as the day begins. Warm water stimulates the muscles and organs to wake up and start moving.
It is explained to have food depending on appetite. This is the time to have more fibre rich, energy giving food with wholegrain cereals. Diet with energy giving food helps to kick start the day with brain and body well stimulated for the day. Fiber rich food helps to have a good gut health promoting regular bowel movements which is mandatory for a good immune system.
Try to have the main meal at lunch time including plenty of vegetables. If you plan to have non vegetarian food, this is the ideal time. It is advised to have the heavier food items at midday as the digestive fire (Agni) is more active at the middle of the daytime.
As the day comes to an end, the Vatha dosha is activated which can make people weaker and as digestion being slow, opt for a lighter meal. Prefer more simple cooked warm vegetarian meals, including soups. The earlier the dinner, the better.
Including healthy food items like dry fruits, seeds, nuts and fresh fruits as snacks in fixed time intervals between main meals can also be considered, taking his health conditions into concern.
One should design his or her diet, in accordance with day to day activities. There is no specific diet which can be universally adopted as every individual are unique in his life style and health. Here the time tested Ayurveda and its principles play a significant role in designing the diet to be adopted. An experienced Ayurveda practitioner helps to tailor the diet for a person after a thorough analysis of his health condition, daily routine and physical activities.